a passing post

i have failed at keeping this blog up to date so this post is just one in passing, though there may be another one as i have so much time off! i hope you all have a great christmas and holiday season. this year has been an amazing one filled with blessings that are so undeserved. a job that i would hardly consider a job because i love it so much, though it is a lot of work. opportunities to play with a professional orchestra. celebration of a year with the man that i love, but for those who keep track (like myself) we're really pushing three years. visiting family members who i don't see enough of... and my terrible memory is failing to serve me of all the other great things that have happened. i couldn't be more thankful for all of my family and friends who have been through this year with me. during this season, it's hard not to be thankful.

the few pictures i've taken.

1.) in rocky mountain nat'l park with jake's family. 2.) holding cousin claire's baby girl
3.) encouraging letter from jake during a rough week. 4.) strong group of musicians who played a three performances of the Marriage of Figaro and then another performance for the Lincoln's Symphony.
5.) visiting the grandparents in Alabama for Thanksgiving. 6.) first snow.
7.) meredith and i after a coffee date. 8.) all the teachers from the studio after the winter recital.
9.) changed my hair this past week... embracing the ombre.
10.) my man.

enjoy the holidays!