it's that time of year again for...

prairie hill suzuki camp!

prairie hill suzuki camp has to be one of my favorite summer activites. for one week i get to help teach kids outside of my own studio how to play my favorite instrument, the violin. maybe the thought of having 40 kids all playing the violin is less than a thrilling idea to some, but to me it's pretty awesome. i wish it lasted longer than a week! the thing that makes prairie hill, in general, so amazing is that it's a montessori school in a farm setting. this gives the kids that attend an opportunity to garden, ride ponies, run wild with chickens (or just retrieve some eggs), cook up some meals, have fun projects, and so many more things. i would have loved this when i was a kid, unfortunately i wasn't in nebraska then.

the suzuki camp portion of prairie hill is where i get to help out. my former teacher is the director of the camp and never fails to ask if i would like to help, and of course i say yes! i think this is where my love of teaching violin came in to place. it is such a rewarding experience to be able to see all the hard work accomplished in the recital at the end of the week. i'll be sure to post pictures from this year's camp once it's over but these are some favorites from last year. yay prairie hill!

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