remember how i talked about buying things that i really needed here? well this typewriter was definitely one of those things. how can you live without a typewriter? more importantly, how could i skip on buying a typewriter for only $5. FIVE DOLLARS. i thought it was a steal, at least.
i have this week off from teaching and it has been surprisingly busy. i thought i would just be hanging out watching netflix/hulu all day. that hasn't quite been the case. the days seem to slip away. i mean, it's already thursday! my goal for this week is to paint that white chest i bought at a garage sale a year ago. you remember, right? this chest. i was thinking of painting it green and yellow to match with my "honolulu blue" room. here's the color scheme i have goin' on.
rather than an orange color, i'm going more for a coral pink. i was going to try and impose the colors onto that chest through photoshop, but maybe i'll just wait and show you the final result. :)