23 things before 24

I've been meaning to post this for a while now. Making goals are good so here are mine for the next year before I turn 24.
  1. visit a national park that I have never been to
  2. learn to hand letter/do calligraphy
  3. be active in a church ministry
  4. see my homegirl in NYC
  5. float down a river
  6. grow vegetables in my own garden
  7. find another source of income... just for fun
  8. decorate the bedroom/house
  9. teach more
  10. grow spiritually
  11. organize my liiffeeeee
  12. enjoy the great outdoors more.
  13. play in a band.
  14. attend a violin workshop/conference
  15. expand my social circle: real life and virtually
  16. make up a recipe ... a good recipe
  17. go outside of the U.S.
  18. learn some web design
  19. take more pictures with the SLR
  20. cleanse my closet
  21. be more physically active
  22. read at least 20 books.
  23. try new things
I figured this would be a good place to put this list since then all you people stopping by can hold me accountable. right? DO IT!  You might notice these aren't all goals. Some of them are just things that I want to do! Do you have any goals you've set for yourself or any particular things you hope to do this coming year? 


quick note: my list isn't in any particular order. i just wrote down things as they came to my mind. 

1 little notes:

  1. We would help you with #5 this summer if I wasn't big and pregnant! I've been wanting to visit Niobrara since we moved here.
